10 Jan The High Cost Of Cheap Interior Paint
We live in a dollar-centric world nowadays. Cost drives many of our decisions. What cars we drive, the food we eat, and the clothes we buy are all tied to price tags and budgets. There’s an old saying about being “penny wise and pound foolish.” Often, you get what you pay for. Other times, what you DON’T pay for comes back and haunts you, costing you more in the long run.
Interior painting and the labor that applies it is a perfect example of just such an instance. Doing it “right” may cost a little more upfront, but the savings and value far outweigh the cost. Here’s a little more detail on how:
1. Use of cheap paint – For the first year or so, these inferior blends may look good for a brief time. But cheap paints don’t hold up to cleaning, showing handprints, dirt, and other smudges too quickly. Before you know it, the new paint job has started to look dull and dingy.
2. Sloppy paint transition lines – A quality home painter will have crisp lines between color changes of trim and walls. If you don’t get quality applications, the brand-new paint job you paid for doesn’t look new. Or at least, it doesn’t look professional. Cheap-rate semi-professionals often struggle with this technique.
3. Ignoring surface imperfections—Craftsman-level painters will fix drywall imperfections, bad tape joints, visible seams, etc. This is usually an area skipped on lower-priced bids. What’s the point of a great interior painting job if the walls and surfaces are sub-optimal? If these issues aren’t fixed, I might as well not have painted in the first place.
4. Failing to sand appropriately – sanding ensures the painted surface is free of debris and imperfections, giving the walls the smoothest appearance possible. You will not get this done with cheap or cost-based painting companies.
5. Not using quality caulk—High-quality caulking will ensure the life of the work when trim is used. Quality material doesn’t separate. I see this happen often on trim shortly after an inferior painting job, leaving gaps and cracks in your woodworking. This isn’t what you expected, but it’s what you get if a good caulk isn’t used or low-quality caulk is used to save money.
6. Only using one coat – Walls should be uniform, painted evenly, correctly rolled out, and free of roller marks. You may not get two full coats on cheap bids, let alone an even coating with that single application. This won’t withstand the test of time.
Neighborhood Painting Inc. is proud to stand by our guarantees. We guarantee that no subcontractor will ever work on your project. We guarantee your complete satisfaction with the work. And we guarantee our work in writing for five full years. When we say cheap interior painting can be pretty extensive in the long run, take our word for it. Better yet, get a free color consultation, an up-front bid, and more than just our word. Get a great new look and feel for your home created by true professionals at an affordable price!